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Dawn of Light
Fanta Sea
The Hunt
Friday, January 18, 2008
Remain Silent just for Today
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: NOIR
Topic: Fanta Sea

What I want to write I dare not say...
so I will remain quiet just for today!

Posted by sequoia at 10:44 PM
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Divining in Days Light
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: opalescent MOON
diving in days light
out in sight
hidden behind
standnig in side
open to beyond
closed to pre-action
the chase of wonder
a never ending dance of thunder
serving no purpose
a hopeless wandered traveling beyond

Posted by sequoia at 11:01 PM
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Words from the SUN
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: lavender body
It's HOT,
It's radiant,
It's stagnant,
It's still.
It's your choice to move or stop
You own the power of your will.

It's easy to get caught in the brightness of day
Don't let the fire direct what you say.

Every little thing you do
Every little thought you think
Creates your reality and forms a concrete link.

Be the power you seek to find
Be the being you create in your mind
It's no mater if it's fantasy or true
Your thoughts, words, and actions are what create YOU!

The SUN gives the energy for love, warmth, and compassion
it also burns you out and takes away your satisfaction.
Remember to take refuge in the shaded area too,
For too much of anything and the light you will surely lose.

Posted by sequoia at 11:01 PM
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Nothing Here! NOwhere! Just Listen!
Listening to the silence
I hear nothing resembling the sound of everything
In nothing, as within in everything, a place of nowhere to go and nothing left to do
I am still, yet moving faster than I ever have before
In my speedy stillness I wait and realize that with nowhere to go
I am forever NOW Here!
In a place where nowhere turns into NOW Here, I listen.
I am that which I am and nothing more nothing less.
I have no quests or proceses or grand things to figure out.
I simply am.
What I will be is what I am.
And all that I seek I have already become.
Time has disolved into the waxing and waning of the moon.
A cycless cylce through a motionless time.
After so much has changed I realize that everything is the same.
We are already now here.
Just listen!
THere is nothing here and nothing there.

Posted by sequoia at 11:01 PM
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Warrior of Light
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: nothing!
The whimsical nature of yesterdays forgotten truth
leading through the valley of reason that sheds light on the absolute
Forever roaming through the vast beyond
and Forever giving infinite pleasure to the fruit of the abutilon
There is nothing that this life serves to mold
and nothing in this world that gives pleasure from gold
A quest through darkness in the emtpiness of day
it is this pursuit that the warrior of light desires to play!

Posted by sequoia at 4:13 AM
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Sweet and Profound
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: silence
You waited to show up
and then you found
something so sweet and utterly profound

A gem, like a jewel in the mid day sun
the warmth of the perfect heat
sharing your suttleness is mysteriously sweet

there is nothing that can compare
not the vastness of the day when twilight hits
not the motion of the sea or the way the river drifts

A gift to me to share with another
something so sweet and utterly profound
a blessing of light, the jewel of sound

Posted by sequoia at 12:20 PM
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Mood:  down
Now Playing: The Flir
Topic: The Hunt
captured and bonded
I'm quickly spirally beyond
no rhyme or reason
no oxygen to breathe
a fantasy full existence
illusion of disaster carries on
this is madness
I welcome you to join
it's whole different world
The silver removed from the coin

Posted by sequoia at 12:53 PM
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Slipstream
Topic: Attachment
An injustice has been done!
My blood boils in pain
What is it in us that cries out for fairness in vain?

There is something that lingers in our essence
An allegory of riches that guides the miserly through
A craving so deep that's blinding the truth in you

A satyrical answer motivated by a vengeful wrath
To the nemesis of dark, it's the question she dare's you to ask.
Is it the dance of delusion? A con wearing the healer's mask?

The Feathers of the plumed princess will fly
Weighing each human heart
Restoring balance with no answer to the question, why.

An injustice of deceit
turning into
IN justice discreet!

Posted by sequoia at 12:28 PM
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
alone and connected
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Iron Maiden
It takes a lot of effort to do online connecting.. I feel alot of times like I'm spending times emailing reading posts when I should be in the world with real live people. Then I think about how many people spend more time posting, emailing, chatting, while they are alone at home. Doesn't this sort of ruin skills of connecting and being around people? making it harder for you to relate to someone when you are near to them. It almost feels kind of numbing. Like it's missing an aspect of human and living, real life, interaction. If we spend all this time alone, typing, staring at a screen, rather than breathing fresh air, talking and chatting with strangers and people in their living flesh. We only know these people as who they claim to be. We don't know them as they are. We are separated, disconnected, tunnelled into a disconnected false reality. But then... what is different about the real time false reality?

Posted by sequoia at 12:27 PM
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Mood:  suave
Topic: Attachment
attachment, attached, attach,
like an amoeba or fungus that just grows and spreads and multiplies through osmosis
assimilating connecting all dependent upon the previous moment.
A big thick heavy muck of stuckness.
clouded, foggy, immersed in glue.
I'm just wandering, and How stuck are you?

Posted by sequoia at 12:17 PM
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Mood:  suave
Topic: The Hunt
Fear leads to attachment. This is the path to the dark side. Let go of your fear of losing that which you are attached to. There is no sense in living in fear. There is no sense in suffering due to attachment. May you be Free!

Posted by sequoia at 12:10 PM
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Mood:  chillin'
" It is necessary to give up our self cherishing towards our body,
refrain from following our attatchment and thereby avoid opening the
door of discontent.A person who feels no attatchment to beautiful
external objects,will discover a beautiful mind within"

Posted by sequoia at 11:31 AM
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Friday, May 13, 2005

appetite for destruction the hunters guild showing no signs of what path to yield.

Posted by sequoia at 11:01 PM
Updated: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 11:43 AM
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